Main Temple

For the Mexica, the Templo Mayor occupied the center of the universe and for that reason it could not be moved. This is why every time they wanted to enlarge it, a new building was built on top of the old one, preserving the same fundamental characteristics, that is, two chapels on the top and a double staircase on the main façade. This was done on at least seven occasions.

The archaeological site of the Templo Mayor comprises 1.2 hectares, undoubtedly the most important religious building in Tenochtitlan, dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the solar god of war, and Tlaloc, the god of rain. However, other relevant constructions were rescued in the vicinity: To the north, there are three smaller adorations, including a Tzompantli Altar and one of two red temples dedicated to the god Xochipilli, as well as the larger Eagles’ House; towards the west, and very close to where the museum is located, you can see the partial remains of the great platform that limited the sacred enclosure of Mexico-Tenochtitlan on all four sides. Finally, to the south is the second of the red temples consecrated to the god Xochipilli, which certainly imitate the Teotihuacan architectural style.

Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.

Location: Seminar No. 8, Centro Histórico, Cuauhtémoc, 06060 Mexico City.

Contact: Tel. 01 55 55 4040-5600 Ext.412930, 412933 and 412967

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