To the immense number of dishes from that region, in which the gastronomic art of the peoples of ancient Mexico is evident, is added the imagery of the food that emerged during the viceregal period. This is how the Puebla table was born, expressed in the tradition and customs of the city of Puebla de los Ángeles, where wooden and clay objects, as well as elegant Talavera tableware, are a must.

Within the wide poblana gastronomy, are the incomparable flavors of: chalupas, pinched, esquites, peneques, picadas quesadillas, tamales, tacos, tlacoyos, tostadas, chilaquiles, memelas, mole de olla, chilemole, corn pudding with rajas, enchiladas, ponteduros, pozole, roasted or cooked corn, atoles, fried foods and flakes, all made from corn. To all this, we can add the stuffed chiles capones, the chiles en nogada, the mole de convento, the mancha mantel, the pipián, the cuitlacoche, the rompope, the lágrimas de obispo, the pasta de almendra, the pancakes of Santa Clara and the famous sweet potatoes from Puebla.

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